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Assessments: Developmental Disabilities Profile DDP-2

OPWDD utilizes various assessments to determine an individual’s needs.  The results of these assessments are also factored into decisions about the services provided.

One assessment used is the Developmental Disabilities Profile (DDP-2).

What is a DDP-2?

  • It includes a set of questions that provides a thorough description of an individual’s abilities and challenges as they relate to their service needs

  • It is comprised of three sections of needs:  medical, behavioral and level of care

  • The information determines a numerical score which identifies the level of need and support a person will be eligible to receive.

  • The assessment is completed by the organization providing the service. 

There should be a DDP-2 completed for each type of service received.

Who does it affect?

It affects ALL individuals receiving OPWDD related services.

Why is this important to understand?

The DDP-2 collects information used to describe, plan and manage a person’s OPWDD services outlined in the life plan. The overall score directly affects the type and amount of services approved commonly referred to as the level of service.

When will this happen?

All DDP’s should be updated a minimum of every two years OR when an individual’s needs change.
It is currently unknown if/when the DDP-2 will be replaced by the Coordinated Assessment System (CAS).

What should my family do next?

It is CRITICAL that individuals/family members review and keep a copy of every DDP-2 completed to insure accuracy. Contact your Care Coordinator/Manager to get copies of each DDP-2 on record, review them for accuracy and provide feedback to make any edits necessary.

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